

docstring for 'len' function:
source: std/list.noc#len

Get a list's length

[1 2 3] len => [3]


docstring for 'findByIndex' function:
source: std/list.noc#findByIndex

Find a element in a list with his index.

2 [[0 "A"] [1 "B"] [2 "C"]] findByIndex
=> ["C"]

(or with the 'enumerate' function)
2 ["A" "B" "C"] enumerate findByIndex


docstring for 'enumerate' function:
source: std/list.noc#enumerate

Listing a list with a successive indexes

["A" "B" "C"] enumerate
=> [[0 "A"] [1 "B"] [2 "C"]]


docstring for 'filter' function:
source: std/list.noc#filter

Filter a list following a predicat.

[1 2 3] [2 >] filter
=> [3]