

docstring for 'if' function:
source: std/bool.noc#if

if statement

["else"] ["then"] True if => ["then"]


docstring for 'not' function:
source: std/bool.noc#not

(Logical operator) Get False if the value is True and True if the value is False

True not => [False]
False not => [True]


docstring for 'eq' function:
source: std/bool.noc#eq

Check if 2 values are equal

5 6 eq => [False]
[Right "ok"] [Right "ok"] eq => [True]


docstring for '==' function:
source: std/bool.noc#(==)

Check if 2 values are equal

5 6 eq => [False]
[Right "ok"] [Right "ok"] eq => [True]


docstring for '!=' function:
source: std/bool.noc#(!=)

Compare if the first value is different than the second value

5 6 != => [True]