docstring for 'dup' function:------------
Duplicate the top-stack element
stack: [1 2]
dup => [1 2 2]
docstring for 'pop' function:------------
Remove the top-stack element
stack: [1 2]
pop => [1]
docstring for 'zap' function:------------
Clear all the stack
stack: [1 2 3]
zap: []
docstring for 'cat' function:------------
Concatenate 2 values (string and quotes)
[1] [2] cat => [1 2]
"Hello, " "World!" cat => "Hello, World!"
docstring for 'rotNM' function:------------
Rotate the stack N elements M times
stack: [1 2 3]
2 1 rotNM => [1 3 2]
3 -1 rotNM => [2 3 1]
docstring for '+' function:------------
Sum of the 2 top-stack elements
stack: [5 6]
+ => [11]
docstring for '-' function:------------
Difference of the 2 top-stack elements
stack: [10 9]
- => [1]
docstring for '*' function:------------
Product of the 2 top-stack elements
stack: [20 0.5]
* => [10.0]
docstring for '/' function:------------
Quotient of the 2 top-stack elements
stack: [10 2]
/ => [5.0]
docstring for '^' function:------------
The exponent of a number
stack: [10 2]
^ => [100]
docstring for 'print' function:------------
Output a value (Standard output)
"Hello, World!" print => "Hello, World!"
=> []
docstring for 'putstr' function:------------
Output a string value (Standard output)
"Hello!" putstr => Hello!
=> []
docstring for 'putchar' function:------------
Output a char value (Standard output)
'a' putchar => a=> []
docstring for 'ask' function:------------
Read line from the standard input
"Your name: " ask
Your name: john
=> ["john"]
docstring for '>' function:------------
Compare if the first value is greater than the second value
stack: [5 6]
> => [False]
docstring for '<' function:------------
Compare if the first value is less than the second value
stack: [5 6]
< => [True]
docstring for '>=' function:------------
Compare if the first value is greater or equal than the second value
stack: [5 5]
>= => [True]
docstring for '<=' function:------------
Compare if the first value is less or equal than the second value
stack: [4 5]
<= => [True]
docstring for 'and' function:------------
The 'AND' logic operator
True True and => [True]
docstring for 'or' function:------------
The 'OR' logic operator
False False or => [False]
docstring for 'id' function:------------
Get the top-stack element (does nothing)
stack: [5]
id => [5]
docstring for 'str' function:------------
Type conversion
5 str => ["5"]
docstring for 'int' function:------------
Type conversion
"10" int => [10]
docstring for 'float' function:------------
Type conversion
"10.5" float => [10.5]
docstring for 'bool' function:------------
Convert a value to boolean value
1 Bool => [True]
docstring for 'help' function:------------
Get a function's doc-string
[pop] help putstr
docstring for 'pop' function:
Remove the top-stack element
stack: [1 2]
pop => [1]
docstring for 'case' function:------------
Pattern matching combinator
def fact = {
[[0] [pop 1]]
[[_] [dup 1 - quote [dup] cat fact *]] # wildcard (match any pattern)
] case
def main = {
[6 dup] fact
docstring for 'trace' function:------------
Trace the Noc stack
1 2 3 trace + => stack: [1 5]
output: [1 2 3]