docstring for 'unquote' function:------------
Evaluate instruction into a quote
[[5 5 +] 5 5 +] unquote => [[5 5 +] 10]
docstring for 'pushr' function:------------
Push a value into a quote
[5] 5 pushr => [[5 5]]
docstring for 'popr' function:------------
Get out the top-element in the quote
[1 2] popr => [[1] 2]
docstring for 'step' function:------------
Execute a specific function for each element of a quote
quote [function] step
["noc" "hello" "world!"] [$ len] step => [[3 5 6]]
docstring for 'fold' function:------------
Reduce a quote of elements to one value in accumulating each elements with a specific function
quote (initial_value -> accumulator) [function] fold
[1 2 3] 0 [+] fold => [6]